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What is protein ?

Questions on Vegan Protein powder!!

What is Protein ?

In most simple words: Protein is a macro-nutrient and most essential nutrient that is required for the maintenance and building of body tissues and muscle. Now, these are made of small compounds called amino acids. Although hundreds of amino acids exist in nature, we humans use only 22 of them. Now comes the interesting part, Humans can produce all but nine of these amino acids it needs. These nine are called essential amino acids and these have to come from food. Now all food generally contains combinations of amino acids in various permutations and combinations but if we speak in general terms animal proteins like dairy, meat, and eggs contain all these nine essential amino acids. For VEGANS there's a challenge to have all these nine essential amino acids in one food, Only Soybeans (Tofu, Edamame, soya milk) and Quinoa can be termed as complete as these do have all 9 in the same, but that too in very small quantities, for the rest a bit of research needs to be done and so a well-balanced diet with a variety of foods can provide sufficient protein for the body's needs. Almonds, Chickpea, flaxseeds, walnuts, moong dal, peanut, beans, etc., are rich in some amino acids but may lack others. So, a combination of two or more may be required for example a combination of Almond and Chickpea OR a combination of Almonds and flaxseed (Flaxseed has all the essential amino acids except Lysine and is quite low, whereas Almond has good quantities of Lysine) "SHEER MADNESS IS MADE OF ALMOND & FLAXSEED".

Few Myths Regarding Protein.

Myth number 1, Only bodybuilders and sports people need Protein. Fact: Each and every individual of us needs protein. After all-These are compounds that give our body structure. Protein should preferably be derived from food or a combination of food. Eggs, Chicken, fish, Nuts, seeds, lentils, legumes, chickpeas, beans, etc. all are rich in Protein. Natural sources of Protein should always be preferred over buying supplements. Natural protein powders can easily be made at home by grinding nuts and seeds. If someone has to buy protein powders from the market, please read the labels very carefully. Avoid buying products that have chemicals in them. Almost 98% of the Protein powders available in the market have chemicals in them. Sheer MADness is one of the rare ones that are free of any chemicals. Sheer MADness - Created by Nature, Assembled by us!!.

Whey Protein powder vs. Plant Protein powder.

Before we Jump to the conclusion of the research, we Indians should be proud that our ancestors knew the importance of Almonds and their benefits long before the research was done. Ancient Akhara's (Present day’s Gym) used "Doodh Badam" (Almond and Milk) for muscle growth. Almond has numerous nutrients that boost the hormone testosterone, required for building muscles and improving sexual health. They also used "Doodh Haldi" (Milk and Turmeric) for fast recovery from the wear and tear that happens due to exercise. Even the Newly wed brides were handed over a glass of "Doodh Badam" by their mother-in-law for the newly wedded Groom for "Suhag Raat" (First night of marriage). Now, this is nothing to smile or laugh about, People in India knew the health benefits of almonds, and their importance even for the hormone testosterone required for both sexual health, and muscle growth. The Sources of information are government-based research, and the links are mentioned below. The conclusion of the research that was conducted: "The overall objective of the research presented herein was to assess the functionality of almond protein on NB in comparison to whey protein. It was hypothesized that the two proteins would increase NB significantly and similarly due to the increased protein intake. No significant difference was observed between protein sources on NB, and NB was increased overall from 0.585 g to 3.66 g. This indicates that almond protein powder may be a good vegan substitute for whey protein powder. This is particularly important considering the popularity of almond products in the United States, especially in the non-dairy milk alternative market. Several other plant-based options that may be more sustainable exist; however, the growing popularity of almonds and almond milk place this nut in a position to possibly lead the shift in dietary habits and increase sustainable diets in the United States. The observed functionality of almond protein powder addresses the myth that plant-based proteins do not provide adequate protein, while it highlights a beneficial product that may encourage more consumers to follow a plant-based diet".

For details:




Plant Protein Vs. Animal Protein, which is Better?

First, we will give bullet points, and then we need to go down the rabbit hole to understand it better.

Plant protein is high in dietary fibers.

Plant Protein tends to lower blood cholesterol.

Plant Protein helps in balancing body weight far much better than animal protein.

These reduce the risk of Cancer.

Plant Protein helps in controlling blood pressure.

These reduce the risk of diabetes.

Now let us understand it in detail. Human muscular health is not only about eating large quantities of protein, instead quite opposite nutrition is secondary but equally important. The primary reason for muscle growth is Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise, be it in any form. Weight training, cardio exercise, or a balance between both. We leave it to the individuals to decide the kind of training they want to do.Apart from Exercise, a good quantity of rest, good hormonal health, Genetics, Body type, Good digestive health, Age, and Gender are a few other components and are all interlinked. Actually, it's a far more complex system but let's stick only to health and nutrition. (Will power, Discipline, consistency, etc. are a few other factors.) Now stating that since it's a complex mechanism, dietary health plays a major role in building muscles too, and overall health of individuals. Plant protein plays a major role since these have higher fiber content, thus helping the gut health to be at its best. Good gut health is a must in weight management also. As far as reducing cholesterol, contrary to animal Proteins (Chicken, beef, Pork, etc., all have fat in them,) Plant Proteins are packed with healthy fats, Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids, and legumes and pulses have negligible fat content, Almonds are packed with antioxidants and so on. So, these healthy fats like omega 3, and antioxidants help in reducing cholesterol and preventing cancer. The only drawback plant protein has: Apart from very few products like Soya and Quinoa, none of them have all the Nine essential Amino acids so, a combination of two or more may be required for example a combination of Peanut with wheat OR Almond and Chickpea OR a combination of Almonds and flaxseed (Flaxseed has all the essential amino acids except Lysine and is quite low, whereas Almond has good quantities of Lysine)

To Buy:



Will plant protein powder help you lose weight?

Plant protein powders can be a useful tool for weight loss as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan, but it is important to remember that weight loss is ultimately determined by the balance of calories consumed and burned, and no single food or supplement can cause weight loss on its own, and hence Exercise is equally important. To understand how plant protein powders might help with weight loss, it is helpful to first understand what protein is and why it is important for weight loss. Protein is a macronutrient that is essential for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. It is made up of small units called amino acids, which are linked together in long chains. There are 20 different amino acids that can be combined in various ways to form different proteins. There are three main types of protein: animal protein, plant protein, and complete protein. Animal protein is found in foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Plant protein is found in foods such as beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains. Complete protein is a type of protein that contains all of the essential amino acids in the right proportions. Animal proteins are generally considered complete proteins, while plant proteins are generally considered incomplete proteins because they typically lack one or more of the essential amino acids. Protein is important for weight loss because it is more satiating than carbohydrates or fat, which means it can help you feel full and satisfied after eating. This can help you eat less and make healthier food choices, which can ultimately lead to weight loss. In addition, protein has a high thermic effect, which means that your body burns more calories digesting protein than it does digesting carbohydrates or fat. This means that increasing your protein intake can help you burn more calories, which can also contribute to weight loss. So, how does plant protein powder fit into all of this? Plant protein powders are a convenient source of plant protein that can be easily added to foods and beverages to boost protein intake. There are many different types of plant protein powders available, including powders made from soy, pea, rice, hemp, and other plant sources. Some plant protein powders are also fortified with additional nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Using plant protein powders as a way to increase protein intake can be especially useful for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it can be more challenging to get enough protein from these diets without including animal products. Plant protein powders can also be a good option for people who have food allergies or sensitivities, as many plant protein powders are free of common allergens such as dairy, and gluten. While plant protein powders can be a useful way to increase protein intake and potentially aid in weight loss, it is important to remember that they should be used as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan. Weight loss ultimately depends on creating a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you burn. This can be achieved by reducing the number of calories you consume through your diet and increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity. In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, getting enough sleep and managing stress is also an important factors in weight loss. Getting enough sleep can help regulate appetite and metabolism, while managing stress can help prevent emotional eating and promote overall health and well-being. It is also important to note that not all plant protein powders are created equal. Some plant protein powders may be higher in calories, sugar, and other additives, while others may be more natural and minimally processed, for example products from Sheer MADness. It is important to read labels and choose plant protein powders that are made from whole, minimally processed ingredients and do not contain a lot of added sugar or other unhealthy chemicals. Sheer MADness is free of any chemicals, and made with only natural ingredients like Almond, Flaxseed, and Turmeric.

“Created by Nature, Assembled by us!!”

Now let us understand it in detail. Human muscular health is not only about eating large quantities of protein, instead quite opposite nutrition is secondary but equally important. The primary reason for muscle growth is Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise, be it in any form. Weight training, cardio exercise, or a balance between both. We leave it to the individuals to decide the kind of training they want to do.Apart from Exercise, a good quantity of rest, good hormonal health, Genetics, Body type, Good digestive health, Age, and Gender are a few other components and are all interlinked. Actually, it's a far more complex system but let's stick only to health and nutrition. (Will power, Discipline, consistency, etc. are a few other factors.) Now stating that since it's a complex mechanism, dietary health plays a major role in building muscles too, and overall health of individuals. Plant protein plays a major role since these have higher fiber content, thus helping the gut health to be at its best. Good gut health is a must in weight management also. As far as reducing cholesterol, contrary to animal Proteins (Chicken, beef, Pork, etc., all have fat in them,) Plant Proteins are packed with healthy fats, Flaxseed is rich in Omega 3 Fatty acids, and legumes and pulses have negligible fat content, Almonds are packed with antioxidants and so on. So, these healthy fats like omega 3, and antioxidants help in reducing cholesterol and preventing cancer. The only drawback plant protein has: Apart from very few products like Soya and Quinoa, none of them have all the Nine essential Amino acids so, a combination of two or more may be required for example a combination of Peanut with wheat OR Almond and Chickpea OR a combination of Almonds and flaxseed (Flaxseed has all the essential amino acids except Lysine and is quite low, whereas Almond has good quantities of Lysine)

More Questions on Plant Protein powder.

Can Plant Protein cause constipation ?

The answer to this is both yes and no, we will explain both the reason in simple words for everyone to understand. First, let us be very clear about Proteins, and their composition, so these are Essential Amino acids and have nothing to do with constipation. The cause of constipation is the food that contains these amino acids, the concentration of the amino acid, the water we consume when we have these foods, the level of physical activity we do, our age, our dietary habits, etc. Now if we source these Essential amino acids normally from natural food, drink enough water, and have a high level of physical activity then obviously there will be no question of constipation because we will be digesting and absorbing the amino acids, on the contrary, if we source the same Essential amino acids through chemical-laden products from the market, commonly found as plant protein isolate, thinking that having only highly concentrated protein isolates will help us build muscles, drink less water, no exercise then for sure constipation is bound to happen. At Sheer Madness we use flaxseed and almonds to source the natural protein, it's not an isolate and hence does not have to undergo any harsh chemical process. (Sheer MADness is a perfect blend of Almond, Flaxseed, and Turmeric in the mother recipe that is ground to perfection so that we do not lose any nutrition from these superfoods.) Also, we do not use any chemical additives, flavorings, preservatives, etc. Sheer MADness on the contrary has laxative properties and is high in dietary fibers. Two spoons of Sheer MADness twice a day will keep your system clean and will not cause any constipation. Again, Excess of anything is bad, so if a person follows the guided usage of our product, there is no chance of constipation. To buy the Best natural vegan protein powder click on the link below.

There are numerous aspects to this question and only If one understands "What is protein"? "How is Plant protein made"? "Why Plant Protein is better than animal Protein"? "Can a vegan or vegetarian gain muscle as compared to a non-vegetarian"? All the answers are present on this page then a person can easily decide what to consume and what not to consume. We leave it to our patrons to decide if a person wants to consume products filled with chemicals or opt for chemical-free, All natural products. We at Sheer MADness believe in food and health drinks that are" ALL NATURAL" & free of any Chemical preservatives, additives, or flavors.

For more details, regarding Almond & Flaxseed health drinks Log on to:


Can a vegan or vegetarian gain muscle as compared to a non-vegetarian ?

Yes, Vegan can gain muscles and have much better health than non-veg eaters. First, let us understand the key factors responsible for muscle growth. The important factors are Exercise, Rest, and an ample supply of amino acids (including the essential ones that we humans cannot produce within, as explained in question 1 above "What is Protein"?) to rebuild the wear & tear, that has happened due to exercise. Now let's understand it further, the protein food that we eat breaks down into amino acids and gets absorbed in the blood & then is transported throughout the system. Now for smooth digestion, absorption, and transportation of the amino acids various hormones, digestive juice, etc., play a vital role, and hence EXERCISE & BALANCED DIET is so vital for smooth functioning of the system. Now for vegans & vegetarians to derive the essential amino acid they have to combine two or more high-protein food, e.g., a combination of Peanut with wheat OR Almond & Flaxseed, etc. This type of combination also provides the system with numerous micro minerals, vitamins, healthy fat, and fibres. for the human system to perform smoothly and efficiently. Hence, we can see that to build muscle there are numerous other factors that come into action along with high protein food. CONCLUSION: EXERCISE, EXERCISE & EXERCISE, give your system the rest it needs to rebuild the muscle, and have a high protein BALANCED MEAL. Being vegan, vegetarian, or non-vegetarian is an individual choice and is not directly linked to muscle growth.

How much Protein do humans need ?

According to the studies by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the recommended quantity is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, but again since everyone is an individual, the consumption, digestion, and absorption of protein comes under the category of "One size doesn't fit all". The factors that matters are age, sex, the activity level of an individual, etc. So, let's take my example, I am 45 years old, (With age Sarcopenia starts to set in, and there's a loss in muscle mass generally happens after the age of forty but varies for an individual) so I can't stick to the formula of 0.8 gm/Kg. of my body weight, and have to increase it to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of my body weight, next is since I am an athlete even 1gm/Kg. this will not be sufficient; hence will have to further increase it to let's say 1.5 gm/Kg. Of my body weight. But again, an individual should not cross the 2grm. /Kg. Mark, due to the side effects of extra protein consumption. Also, the consumption of Protein should be only through food, and natural plant-based products (eg., Sheer MADness). A person should always avoid those chemical-filled products generally found in the market, and divide the consumption into moderate portions though out the day.

What happens when we eat flaxseed ?

Flaxseed is the richest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, but most people struggle with how to add it to their food. Humans have been cultivating these small brown seeds for thousands of years, and King Charlemagne passed laws requiring his subjects to consume flaxseed in the 8th century because he believed in its health benefits so much. Flaxseed is found in many products today — you’ve probably eaten it without much thought. But when you start eating it every day, you may find that you feel and look better too. Flaxseed contains not only omega-3 fatty acids but also lignans and fiber. These three components make flaxseed an incredibly nutritious and beneficial food that can help everything from lowering your cholesterol to boosting hair growth and improving skin moisture. We’ve narrowed the list of benefits down to a few fantastic results you can expect once you start eating flaxseed every day.

Lower cholesterol levels

Lower your chance of heart attacks and strokes

Improve your digestion

Weight loss

Enjoy fuller hair

Improve the health of skin and nails

Possibly prevent cancer

More regarding nutritional benefits: https://sheermadnessnutrition.com/about

***Precaution***- Excess of anything is bad, two spoons of SheerMADness a day is enough to keep you going.

How to reduce belly fat.

In short EXERCISE, EXERCISE & EXERCISE. Nutrition is equally important but is still secondary. The reason: When a person does exercise regularly, he will burn the extra calories, his hormonal health & metabolic rate will improve, and his muscles will build up. Now all these aspects are equally important to losing belly fat, since fat cannot be reduced from a single part of the body, and as far as belly fat is concerned, this will be the last to go. The emphasis is given to exercise because it is the only healthiest way to lose fat. Belly fat is the last to go because the construction of human body is made in this fashion, every important body part be it the brain, heart, or lungs is protected by a bone structure, but what about the energy-generating system? What protects the stomach, the intestines, the liver, the kidney, and numerous other organs that are in the belly area? Now the only protection in this particular area is fat cells, which help to minimize external impact, and also act like cushions. So fat cells not only provide energy but also protects important organs. Now to reduce body fat, directly burning out calorie is only one aspect, and nothing works better than Exercise, (Mostly cardio exercise works great and the results show within no time.) Let us also understand the other aspect, which is burning body fat when an individual is not exercising. The metabolic rate of individuals, age, sex, hormonal health, muscle mass, clean and healthy gut, digestion, and absorption of food. Nutrition, eating a balanced meal, etc. all come into play. As far as good muscle mass is concerned, to develop a good quantity of muscle mass, individuals have to do some sort of weight training, even bodyweight exercise also does wonders. Good muscle mass means a good quantity of blood flowing through the entire body that will happen when the heart pumps out more blood, So we can see that the metabolic rate also increases, and this results in fat burning even when the person is resting. (The heart needs energy to continuously pump out, and it will burn more and more fat cells to derive the required energy.) Now to the point of nutrition: High protein content in food helps in building muscles, and if the food is high in fibers, then individuals do not feel hungry so easily, resulting in less intake, again the fat cells provide the required energy by the system. High fibers also help the digestive tract to remain healthy, since these push out the post-digestion waste from the human system. Products like Sheer MADness help to a great extent since these are rich in all the essential Amino acids to build Muscle, Flaxseed in these products is high in fibers, which can swell up to seven times. Hence a person doesn't feel hungry and doesn't eat junk thus forcing the fat cells to burn to provide the energy the human system requires. Apart from proteins & Fibers, these products are laden with numerous microminerals, Omega 3 fatty acids, and Numerous Vitamins including Vitamin E (From Almonds). Hence, we say Sheer Madness means - Complete nutrition. For details regarding how to plan your diet, plan your exercise regime without spending hefty fees on a gym subscription, read the book. Direct link to purchase in India:


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How Protein is digested and absorbed, and what happens to the excess?

Food that we consume be it Protein, Carbohydrate, or fat travels down the esophagus (food pipe) to the stomach, which is a J – Shaped tube. Glands in the walls of the stomach secrete a digestive juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called Pepsin. The food is churned gently in the stomach and mixed thoroughly with the digestive juice. The acid in the juice kills germs and pepsin helps break down protein. This slushy (semi-liquid) food then enters a long coiled tube called the Small intestine, which is quite long (approximately 6 meters in length) It is here that most of the digestion of food takes place, Complex food molecules are broken down into simple, soluble molecules that the body can absorb, for example carbohydrates break down to glucose Protein breaks down to amino acid etc. Many enzymes act on the food in the small intestine – Some act on carbohydrates, some on proteins, and some on fats. Some of these enzymes are produced in the walls of the small intestine; a few are produced by Organs such as Pancreas and liver, Pancreas secretes pancreatic juices, liver secrets bile. Both these enzymes enter the intestine through tubes or ducts, Bile helps to break down fat into very small droplets, for fast digestion. Once the food is broken down completely, the process of absorption starts in the small intestine. The inner walls of small intestines have millions of finger-like folds called villi. Digested food passes through the villi and enters the blood flowing in the fine capillaries in the villi. So now the blood is enriched with amino acids (from protein being broken down and absorbed) and is transported to various parts of the body through blood where repairing and building up of cells or muscles is required. The answer to what happens to the excess protein is– Human system cannot store protein so once bodily requirements are met, the extra is used as an energy source or stored as fat. People should aim to consume a small/ limited amount of Natural protein to obtain maximum protein use, muscle generation, and recovery every time they eat. Always Remember: Excess of anything is bad.

Is plant protein supplement good for building muscle ?

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in building and maintaining muscle mass. It is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body and are necessary for many functions, including muscle repair and growth. When you engage in physical activity, such as weightlifting or resistance training, you create microscopic tears in your muscle fibers. In order to repair and rebuild these muscles, your body needs an adequate supply of protein. For many people, animal-based protein sources, such as meat, eggs, and dairy, are the primary sources of protein in their diet. However, plant-based protein sources, such as beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds, are also effective in building muscle. Plant protein powders can be a convenient and efficient way to increase your protein intake, especially for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. There are several plant protein sources that are particularly good for muscle building; Almond protein is one of them, as proven in a research. Find the details of the research: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8620843/ Almond & Flaxseed protein are very good source of the amino acid arginine, which has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis and support muscle growth. In addition to selecting a high-quality plant protein supplement, it is also important to consume enough protein to meet your muscle-building goals. The recommended daily intake of protein for sedentary adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, if you are engaging in regular physical activity, especially strength training, your protein needs may be higher. It is generally recommended that active individuals consume 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. While plant protein supplements can be a convenient and effective way to increase your protein intake, it is also important to include a variety of whole plant foods in your diet. Whole plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, not only provide protein, but also a host of other essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. By including a variety of whole plant foods in your diet, you can ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs to support muscle building and overall health. In conclusion, plant protein supplements can be a good option for building muscle, especially for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. They can help you meet your protein needs, which are important for muscle building and recovery. It is important to choose a high-quality plant protein supplement and consume enough protein to meet your muscle-building goals. In addition, it is a good idea to vary your protein sources and include a variety of whole plant foods in your diet to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs. One should also avoid plant proteins those are filled with lab made chemicals. Natural protein powders are best for human consumption & health. Sheer MADness is a Natural plant protein, & completely free of any chemicals.

Why Should I Go for Vegan Protein ?

Vegan protein refers to protein sources that come from plants, rather than animals. There are several reasons why someone might choose to consume vegan protein: 1. Health benefits: Some studies have suggested that a vegan diet may be associated with a lower risk of certain health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. This may be due, in part, to the fact that plant-based diets are typically rich in fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients that may promote overall health. Additionally, vegan diets may be lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. 2. Environmental impact: Plant-based protein sources typically have a lower environmental impact compared to animal-based sources. The production of animal-based protein requires more land, water, and other resources compared to plant-based protein. Additionally, animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. By choosing plant-based protein sources, you can reduce your impact on the environment and support more sustainable food production practices. 3. Ethical concerns: Some people choose to follow a vegan diet for ethical reasons, as they believe it is wrong to exploit and kill animals for food. Veganism is a way of living that seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. 4. Taste and variety: Vegan protein sources can be delicious and offer a wide range of flavors and textures. There are many plant-based protein sources available, including beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, and seeds, which can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. In addition, there are many plant-based protein powders and supplements available, which can be added to smoothies or other dishes to boost protein intake. It's worth noting that it is possible to meet your protein needs on a vegan diet, but it may require a bit more planning to ensure you are getting enough protein from a variety of sources. However, with careful planning, it is possible to get all the protein your body needs from a vegan diet. “Sheer MADness” Facility has done the necessary research, so that we are able to serve our patrons with all the necessary nutrients, without adding any lab made chemical additives, preservatives etc. Sheer MADness is pure natural plant protein. We are committed to our mission statement and our goal: MISSION STATEMENT: Created by Nature, Assembled by Us!! (CHEMICALS IN ANY FORM WILL NEVER BE USED AT Sheer MADness facility) OUR GOAL: "CUT DOWN YOUR BODY FAT AND NOT YOUR NUTRITION"

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